There’s always been something quite mystical about the moon for me. Looking up into its wondrous glow and marvelling at its ever-changing form, I have always been drawn to its power. But what exactly was that power? I wasn’t sure, but I always knew there was something.
While running my business back in Spain—my natural perfumery—I became very aware that what I found easy and what I found difficult to manage changed during the month. There would be times when I couldn’t face talking to people, times when my confidence and self-belief were high, times when my concentration was low, times when creating was easy and times when it was a struggle to find inspiration. I thought that was normal when I used to work at a big corporation (as it wasn’t my cup of tea) but in my store, I was doing what I loved the most—so why???
I suppose that it was frustration at my inability to be consistent that prompted me to look for answers. I was recommended some readings about the feminine cycle, and something inside me resonated that this was the pathway to follow. Noting my changes within my menstrual cycle, while following a specific chart, allowed me to recognise cyclic patterns in physical energy, emotional strength and sensitivity, thinking processes and focus, sensuality and sexual energy, creativity and spirituality.
Moon Cycles and Women
I love stories, especially ancient myths and legends. I find the use of storytelling—a very ancient tradition in most societies- an ideal framework to provide guidance, understanding, and realisation. It often makes it easier to share a message by using examples of those who have been enlightened before us. Stories resonate more deeply than instruction; lessons are remembered more clearly when they are wrapped up in a certain time and place. Within the stories, the use of archetypes or symbolic characters are universal images that reflect certain truths to which people respond on an internal level. Most stories we have heard throughout our lives are full of these archetypes – frequently we just never notice them; like Snow White, a fairy tale I used as an example in my e-story. (You can read more about it downloading my mini e-book when you subscribe on my website).
Long story short, women have a cyclic nature like the moon and this particularity makes us very magical yet fluctuating and unsteady—is this the reason people are called lunatics? Maybe, who knows! These cyclic energies need to be accepted as a flow that will express itself in its own way. Menstrual energies find their expressions in many different forms in a woman's creative nature.
We are alchemic beings in constant transformation.
Yet, we find ourselves in a society structured around masculine energy, where moon cycles and women's natural rhythms are often overlooked. We're expected to maintain unwavering consistency—as tireless professionals, ever-present mothers, and more. But our essence lies in natural fluctuation, just like the moon's phases. Our connection to these lunar cycles isn't just mystical—it's fundamental to our nature as women.
What happens when we ignore this connection? The consequences manifest as chronic exhaustion, persistent guilt for not meeting impossible standards of constant availability, and deep frustration when our efforts don't yield the expected results. We're trying to force constancy in a body designed for cyclical change.…
Knowing your personal cycle and your changes throughout will make the life change you’re craving.
So what's actually in it for you when you sync with moon cycles? As a woman, I'm telling you—it's pretty amazing stuff! We're talking peace of mind, getting your best work done at the right time, moods that don't swing like crazy, feeling at home in yourself, and finally dropping that nasty inner critic. Cool, right?
Here's my personal aha moment: I realised I turn into this creative powerhouse for one week during each cycle. So instead of beating myself up about 'not being inspired enough' or feeling like I'm not cutting it, I now pack all my creative projects into that week. And guess what? Everything just flows! No more forcing it or feeling bad about myself. It's like finally finding your groove, you know.
Our feminine phases are intimately related to the moon cycle, and therefore we will find the following natural connections:
Crescent (waxing) Moon shares similar energies with the season of Spring, and they are reflected in us as a Maiden archetype.
Full Moon symbolises abundance, as does Summer season. This feminine archetype is a Mother.
Decrescent (waning) Moon, the magical and mystical energies are reflected in Autumn season colours and light and are embodied by the feminine archetype of an Enchantress.
The New Moon embraces the darkness, the maximum exponent of yin energies as they rule the flows of Winter season; a time for introspection and wisdom perfectly symbolised by the Sage feminine archetype.
Have you noticed any of these energies flowing within? Could you tell me specific emotions, physical states or any skills that arise spontaneously during some periods that conform to a cyclic pattern?
In my next blog post, I will develop in depth the energies featured in each feminine archetype and how they affect us. I will tell you how to take advantage of this wisdom to optimise your potential and make you feel better.
Glow naturally,
Love, Sonia x.